Posted by Nathan J. Winograd

Introducing a New Tool for No Kill Advocacy: The No Kill Flash Mob

Beginning November 23 at 6 pm ET and continuing over the holiday weekend when our posts are less likely to be deleted, please join us in a No Kill flash mob on the ASPCA facebook page. Please share.

The ASPCA Facebook page is filled with uninformed animal lovers who erroneously believe that the ASPCA is a legitimate force for good. We must educate these people about what the ASPCA really represents: a continuation of killing in our nation’s shelters and the neglect of animals in the New York City pound just down the street from the ASPCA, the wealthiest animal protection organization in the nation.

Although single comments can be deleted, and although single comments can be easily dismissed by their Facebook followers, a flood of comments posted by No Kill advocates is harder for the ASPCA to manage, and less likely to be ignored by their Facebook followers as an aberration.

Beginning November 23 at 6 pm ET and continuing over the holiday weekend when our posts are less likely to be deleted, please join us in a No Kill flash mob on the ASPCA facebook page. Please comment on the 5 most recent wall postings, not just the most current one. Although you will have to “like” the page to comment, you can “unlike” it after the flash mob ends. Let’s educate their followers about what supporting the ASPCA really means!

The Real ASPCA

Over the past several weeks, the ASPCA has released a playbook on how to fight No Kill reform efforts and has referred to animal lovers who want to end the killing as “extremists.” At a national conference of shelter directors, one of their paid consultants referred to No Kill groups as “terrorist” organizations, and No Kill advocates as “psychos.” And they are fighting shelter reform legislation in New York and Florida which would save shelter animals on death row who have a place to go—all while taking in roughly $140,000,000 per year through commercials that prey on the emotions of animal lovers with the false message that the ASPCA will fight for animals, rather than against them.
Although the pace of the ASPCA’s anti-no Kill efforts seems to have accelerated over the past few weeks, the ASPCA has a long sordid history of not only fighting reform efforts nationwide, but of neglecting the needs of the animals suffering in the city shelter down the street, even sending animals to be killed there. As they muster their forces against our expanding No Kill efforts nationwide, we need to fight back by hitting them where it matters most: in the pocketbook. We need to reach out to their donors with the truth. And the best place to do that is to go where they are: the ASPCA Facebook page.

Following are some talking points and links you can consider providing in your post: